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João Paulo Vieito教授讲座通知
发布时间 : 2013-09-24     点击量:


João Paulo Vieito教授讲座通知


Title:  Brain Activity of Stock Market Financial Decision

Time:   16:30-17:30, Sep.26Thu

Location: 理科楼407会议室

About the Speaker:

João Paulo Vieito, is Chairman of the World Finance Conference, Professor of Finance, and Director of the School of Business Studies at Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo, Portugal. He received his Ph.D in Business Science, Finance Specialization, from the Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Porto. His research interests, on which he has published several papers in finance and economics journals, are in corporate governance and market efficiency. He is a Program Director of the Pos-Graduation in Finance and Banking at ESCE-IPVC. Prof. Vieito is also member of Western Finance Association, Financial Management Association, Midwest Finance Association, Southern Finance Association and Eastern Finance Associations.




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